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Searched for planning.
  • Contact Confirmation


    registrations for teacher trainings and payment plans. Contact: Claudia Pichler Email: claudia.pichle

  • Mysore Yoga Traditions - The Film

    Philosophy   ▸   Online Satsang

    discussing this, the team decided to continue their planned trip to Mysore, spend some time with Iyengar and

  • Summer Retreat

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Retreats

    flight yourself, please let us know your flight plan on registration for the retreat. In case of changes

  • Sports and Yoga

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    Yoga Konstanz" was by no means something I had planned from the start but rather something that more or [...] my students try to follow a quite detailled life plan and when some expectations are not met, they are

  • Everyday Mindfulness with Yoga

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    suddenly no longer feel that we are in control. We plan and organize so much that there is no room for errors

  • Inspired Quereinstieg

    My AYI

    ohne Stornogebühren. Ich hoffe das ist ein guter Plan für Dich und freue mich mit Dir bald in die Ausbildung [...] ohne Stornogebühren. Ich hoffe das ist ein guter Plan für Dich und freue mich mit Dir bald in die Ausbildung

  • Yogability Herdecke

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    new inspiration. Sabine: That sounds like great plans! Thank you so much for the interview and good luck

  • Oster AYI® SPECIAL - Dein Yoga Retreat für Zuhause

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   Events   ▸   Retreats

    Yogalehrerausbildung vor. Der OSTER AYI® SPECIAL Plan - eine Übersicht Eine detaillierte Beschreibung

  • 3.10.16 Interview with Prem Carlisi

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    rather the future. You mentioned to me that you had plans to come to Europe on an annual basis from next year [...] there in June 2017. Right now, we’re still in the planning phase but all dates and the actual locations will

  • AYInnovation® at Mattengold (Stuttgart)

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    introduced. If the AYI classes are well received, we plan to offer a Mysore class starting in the fall.