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  • 3 Rivers Ashtanga Yoga Practice Group

    Community   ▸   YogiFinder   ▸   Ashtanga Schulen

    up front with telling people that they should not use me as their teacher, but mostly as a practice partner [...] area. Thanks so much for your site, I make heavy use of your practice sheets and often refer to your asana

  • Yoga at the Workplace: Back and Wrists

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    Anissa show you a form of the Sun Salutation B using a chair. Details Length 24:48 Minutes for Beginner [...] through two gentle forms of the Sun Salutation B using a chair. In practicing these forms you can strengthen [...] for an alternative form of the Sun Salutation B using the chair. It is a great starting point when you

  • Compounds in saṁskr̥ta

    Philosophy    ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari

    above, the dual ending is used for two words, and the plural ending is used for more than two words. The [...] word formation, a word composed of several words, used as a normal word. In saṁskr̥ta, however, it [...] the base forms (without the “m” at the end) are used. The Sandhi rule applies. The short “a” at the end

  • From Old-School Dynamic Stretches to Modern Fascia Yoga

    Yoga Therapie

    movement Try to use less muscular strength and more momentum during this exercise. Use the endpoint of [...] Schwunggymnastik ", a form of dynamic stretching using momentum, was very popular in the 1930's (Sura 1935) [...] more controlled, isolated movements without the use of momentum. They were able to quickly increase muscle

  • Fascia-Yoga: Balancing the back body

    Yoga Therapie

    and for that matter at different angles, you are using the qualities of the fascia to optimize the outcome [...] spring (rebound effect). Almost every living creature use this rebound effect to save energy as they move. [...] the form of food, was scarce. It was necessary to use the resources optimally. Kangaroo If you observe

  • Intermediate Series: Traditional Form - Part 3

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Online Yoga classes

    count, or use this as a tool to work with the count intensively. In either case, you can use the video

  • Alignment Step 3

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    In a led class where the poses are given, you can use verbal cues to clarify these. In a Mysore-Style class [...] adjustment can help. Here are a couple of options: Use a finger to 'breathe the line of movement' in that

  • Yoga & Sports

    Yoga Therapie

    Here, the physical aspects of yoga practice are used to develop the flexibility which is essential for [...] in the rowing boat. And soccer players like to use yoga as a prophylaxis to prevent injuries. Why, in [...] effect. Why is it, in your opinion, that yoga is not used to a much higher degree by professional athletes

  • Energy – Bandha

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    there isn’t one around, you’re probably already using Mula Bandha. To strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles [...] that you practise stopping the flow of urine when using the toilet. Alternately contracting the muscles [...] athletes know this power house under various names and use it as an essential aid in their sport. Energetically

  • Intermediate Series in Traditional Form - Part 2

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    practice the entire series at once. Another way to use this video is to practice the count, or to be guided [...] guided in a flowing practice. This video can also be used simply to help immerse you in the fluidity of a