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  • Aufgaben und Materialien zur Vertiefung (Pullach)

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    yoga style shaped to such a great extent by Pattabhi Jois has also found a home in several other Western [...] ed by both a universal tradition and regional as well as individual differences. Up to a certain degree [...] Aufgaben (A) Inspirationen für die Yogamatte Reflektiere Deine Erlebnisse pro Praxis einzeln in Deinem

  • Inspired Quereinstieg (für Yogalehrer)

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Shortcut

    persönliche Yogapraxis Unterrichtsdidaktik der 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga bis Purvottanasana mit den tr [...] Modular Therapy Courses (MTC), die Dr. Ronald Steiner u.a. in verschiedenen deutschen Städten unterrichtet. [...] 990,00 € Content 1 Platz *tax free after § 4 Nr. 21a) bb) UStG.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

  • AYI® Advanced

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

    dieses zweiten Jahres der Ausbildung steht die 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga im Zentrum. Dabei lernst Du u [...] Count, Hilfestellungen und Formen der gesamten 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga Emotionen im Yoga Gesünder und [...] zu den Themen Vinyasa Count (anleiten) der 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga Präzision: Hinführung, Vorbereitung

  • Empathizing with other people

    Community   ▸   Network

    together. Usually, there is a clear distinction in yoga classes: yoga for beginners, a medium level and an advanced [...] categories which, in my eyes, is a separation. Yoga, in contrast, is for me a path towards unity, it's all [...] Melanie: What was a particularly important experience for you on your yoga journey? Romana: A particularly

  • 108 Sun salutations

    Community   ▸   Network

    like quite a lot, even if you allow for possible modifications. Do you after a while reach a point where [...] about that because we had spent almost a year planning the event. A big thank you to Heike, who had the [...] traditional version. Moreover, we found a student who practiced a slightly easier variation. In this way

  • 20.7.16 Rolfing & Ashtanga Yoga

    Yoga Therapie

    The distorted body segments of a boy on the left in comparison to a proper body alignment after treatment [...] years ago. A New Approach to Body Work: Rolfing and Ashtanga Yoga In his 30 years of work as a body worker [...] fundamentally. The Path Toward a Holistic Approach On his long search for a movement concept which combines

  • Inspired Ausbildung

    My AYI

    Class 1. Serie. Dienstag Morgen Mysore Style. Oder Mittwoch Abend (19 Uhr) Led Class 2. Serie und Donnerstag [...] Class 1. Serie. Dienstag Morgen Mysore Style. Oder Mittwoch Abend (19 Uhr) Led Class 2. Serie und Donnerstag [...] man ein MTC besucht, praktizieren wir da auch die Serie? Oder ist das wirklich rein themenspezifisch? Liebe

  • A vivid tradition (part 3/3)

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    adjustments as a basis for a more fine-tuned and balanced form of assistance, finally creating a type of adjustment [...] mean using a chair as a tool to allow people with physical restrictions to go through the series of movements [...] world and join the practice. This is a great experience and feels a little like being at home all over

  • 2012-06-14_SindelfingerZeitung.pdf

    wenigen Yogis Europas, die die vierte Serie praktizieren. Die sechste Serie gilt als nahezu unmöglich. Bild: [...] Jahr wollen wir um den Aufstieg in die Kreisliga A spielen.“ Dieses Ziel formuliert auch Thomas Gro- [...] wir zu- rückholen wollen, wieder in die Kreisliga A aufsteigen. – obe – Imre Toth übernimmt Grafenau Zum

  • Listening with your hands

    Yoga Therapie

    article series we hope to bring more awareness to our skin, whether on or off the mat. As a Giver, first [...] choose a pose that you can find full comfort and relaxation in. Balasana, or Child's Pose, is a great [...] the skin on a somewhat superficial level. This month, we’re diving in deeper… Perhaps after a while observe