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  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    problems and conditions, e.g. problems with your back, knee, hip or shoulder metabolic diseases, e.g.

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    problems and conditions, e.g. problems with your back, knee, hip or shoulder metabolic diseases, e.g.

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    problems and conditions, e.g. problems with your back, knee, hip or shoulder metabolic diseases, e.g.

  • Fundamentals: Basic Form

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    Basic Form 12.11.2018 Dr. Ronald Steiner Alexa Gams Back to the basics! In this video, we will show you a

  • Thoracic spine Sequence - Bonding

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    h (belly focus) Minute 4:09 – Four-Area-Breath (back focus) Minute 4:38 – Four-Area-Breath (chest focus)

  • Yoga von "yuj"

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    commonly accepted etymology of the word yoga traces it back to the Sanskrit verbal root yuj [Williams, 1899;

  • The complexity of the exercise is not significant

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    instance, often suffer from shortened muscles at the back of their legs and over-tense adductors. Strains

  • Ein Nachruf

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    end of his life. In this article we take a look back at Desikachar's life and accomplishments. Krish

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    problems and conditions, e.g. problems with your back, knee, hip or shoulder metabolic diseases, e.g.

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


    problems and conditions, e.g. problems with your back, knee, hip or shoulder metabolic diseases, e.g.