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  • Listening with your hands

    Yoga Therapie

    less vulnerable in this activity, or don't want to use Savasana, choose a pose that you can find full comfort

  • 03.02.17 Interview Pink Elephant

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    they always taste to me like soups that my grandma used to make. So that leads me to ask: What role did [...] It is still very important to me that we do not use anything processed in our kitchen at all, not even

  • Yoga Sutra 3.5-8: Wie Meditation (Samyama) sich allmählich vertieft

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Yoga-Sutra    ▸   Yoga Sutra 3: UEber Ergebnisse der Yogapraxis (Ronald, Laura)

    (stufenweise). Paul Deussen - 1908 Sanyama is to be used in the modifications (of the Internal organ, Citta)

  • Aufgaben und Materialien zur Vertiefung (2. Woche Advanced)

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    MTC The Art of Adjustments - Fundamentals for using tactile impulses in your teaching Adjustments are

  • Helical Fascia of the front body

    Yoga Therapie

    These numbers seem abstract, so it may help to use a tangible example. Try carrying 6 kg on a surface

  • Dorsal Fascia: directing the stretch

    Yoga Therapie

    fascia This one you can try out right away. You can use a tennis ball or a hedgehog ball or any other fascia

  • Dynamic helical tension – energetic vibration for a healthy body

    Yoga Therapie

    solution for maintaining good posture, out body uses several muscles that alternate with other muscles

  • Shvetashvatara Upnishad 3.7-9: Brahman übertrifft alles

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad: Zwischen Sankhya und Vedanta    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upnishad Kapitel 3: Vom Wandel zum Absoluten um uns (Brahman) und in uns (Purusha) (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    is difficult. The Svetâsvatara-upanishad seems to use brihanta as an adjective, instead of brihat. I should

  • Craighead_2021.pdf

    begins to drop. The above types of devices can all be used to design IMST interventions with various training [...] locomotor muscles. Research on IMST quickly spread from use as a performance-enhancing protocol in athletic [...] cost-related barriers to access. IMST devices can be used at home and do not require nearby exercise facilities

  • Sports and Yoga

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    external image. Sabine: At Ashtanga Yoga KN, you by now use the AYInnovation ® Method for all classes. Why have