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  • Aufgaben und Materialien zur Vertiefung (2. Woche Advanced)

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    Adjustments are not just pushing people into a shape. It is actually a mostly non-verbal conversation that you [...] Aufgaben (A) Inspirationen für die Yogamatte Reflektiere Deine Erlebnisse pro Praxis einzeln in Deinem [...] Deinem Yogatagebuch (A.1) 10 mal Üben wie in der Ausbildungswoche Praktiziere 10 mal in direkter Anknüpfung

  • AYI® Quereinstieg

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Shortcut

    teilnehmerorientiert anzuwenden den Ablauf der 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga bis Purvottanasana mit Vinyasa

  • AYI® Quereinstieg

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Shortcut

    n Praxis inklusive Pranayama den Ablauf der 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga bis Purvottanasana mit Vinyasa

  • AYI® Interview with Marcell Laudahn

    Community   ▸   Network

    in small "bites" in a way that there can be a direct connection. In the West, a structured teaching system [...] Eberhard Bärr we have a winning combination, a man who lives philosophy and has a special ability to convey [...] but a strict old-school Iyengar teacher. I liked his severity combined with heart and I learned a lot

  • Helical Fascia of the front body

    Yoga Therapie

    so it may help to use a tangible example. Try carrying 6 kg on a surface of a € 2 coin. This is the load [...] Deepest layer The deepest layer is less of a helix and moreso a layer of transverse fascia. There are arches [...] side. Continue moving dynamically in a fashion similar to that of a pendulum. Only when the deep core muscles

  • Fascia-Yoga: Balancing the back body

    Yoga Therapie

    closed, there will be a slightly different angle of pull. If you hold a stretch for a while, the fascia will [...] and give them a slightly springy characteristic. Dorsal Fascia Every time you bend over, a line of pull [...] decreases as a result. The springy qualities will be reduced. You can compare this to a sheet of plastic

  • AYI® Inspired

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Teacher Training

    Einsteiger*innen Basic Form mit Vinyasa Count der 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga bis Purvottanasana mit Abschl [...] dung 3-jährige Yogaerfahrung Kenntnisse der 1. Serie des Ashtanga Yoga bis Purvottanasana Interesse,

  • Breathing Spinal Discs

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    There these pushes are redirected in a lengthwise motion. As a result space is created for the discs [...] breath. To activate the oblique abdominal muscles from a different angel practice the above discribed lying [...] activation of the side and slanted abdominal muscles is a very important building block to also maintain the

  • Advanced Ausbildung

    My AYI

    wenn ein kurzes a am Wortende auf ein langes a am Wortanfang stößt, andersherum: Das lange a am Wortende [...] wenn ein kurzes a am Wortende auf ein langes a am Wortanfang stößt, andersherum: Das lange a am Wortende [...] business as a Yoga teacher? This tought burdened me to a certain extend. My aim is to one day make a living

  • Inspired

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Inspired Teacher Training

    Prinzip von Alignment und Adjustment Die erste Serie des Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Vinyasa Count, Meditation