Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ AYI(R) Teacher Training ▸ Inspired Shortcut
first-hand The AYInnovation ® method developed by Dr. Ronald Steiner merges the classical practice of yoga with [...] as age and physical build. Anke Eulitz and Dr. Ronald Steiner are looking forward to sharing their know-how [...] Freiheit und Weite 28.-29.3.2020 Wiesbaden Dr. Ronald Steiner 20 EU Schulter und Schultergürtel sind der
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Modular Therapy Course (MTC)
Books by Dr. Ronald Steiner Der Yoga Doc – Beweglich und schmerzfrei mit Faszien-Yoga 28.9.2020 Dr. Ronald [...] Freiheit und Weite 31.10.-1.11.2020 Braunschweig Dr. Ronald Steiner & more 20 EU Schulter und Schultergürtel [...] Eine Frage der Balance 7.-8.11.2020 Bremen Dr. Ronald Steiner 20 EU Das Knie arbeitet für dich auf Schritt
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Online Yoga classes
Series in Traditional Form - Part 2 16.10.2019 Dr. Ronald Steiner Pia Patricia Prosser In this video you can [...] the traditional form along with the count. Dr. Ronald Steiner and Pia will help you to find your form and [...] Language German Description In this video with Pia and Ronald, you can watch and practice the second part of | Dr. Ronald Steiner | Brenzstr. 6 | D-89073 Ulm | Wir freuen [...] dass Du bald in einer Yogatherapiestunde mit Dr. Ronald Steiner intensiv an Deiner persönlichen Fragestellung
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
therapy for the shoulder 4.4.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more In this video Ronald shows you exercises to strengthen [...] shoulder mobility 10.12.2019 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more In this video, Ronald shows you how to improve your [...] with the help of helical tension 18.2.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more In this article you will learn how
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Events ▸ Workshops
regelmäßig zu üben. Hüftöffner: "Best of" Dr. Ronald Steiners Übungen In diesem Workshop möchten wir Dir [...] Gelegenheit geben, sozusagen das "Best of" von Dr. Ronald Steiners Hüftübungen kennen zu lernen. Entdecke a [...] kennenlernst. Der Workshop eignet sich perfekt um Dr. Ronald Steiner und die AYI® Methode kennenzulernen und für
Yoga Therapie ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
flexibility for a healthy spine 01.11.2017 Dr. Ronald Steiner Dr. Sabine Nunius Gabriel Aszalos Say goodbye [...] doctor prior to starting. Credits Teacher Dr. Ronald Steiner Yogi Dr. Sabine Nunius Videography Gabriel Aszalos