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Searched for blocks.
  • 10.11.16 Yoga and the Skin

    Yoga Therapie

    same time, it performs protective functions like blocking out microorganisms and toxins, maintaining temperature

  • AYI Interview with Ulrich Schäfer

    Community   ▸   Network

    and breathing. In every MTC I add a new building block which I could add-on, change, renew or expand my

  • Yoga Sutra 4.12-14: Transformation of the World

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Yoga-Sutra   ▸   Yoga Sutra 4: On Inner Freedom (Ronald, Laura)

    perceptual space ( citta ) is composed of the building blocks of the physical world ( guna ). Therefore endless

  • Anjaneyāsana

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    in the human body. On average this ligament will block a backbend at three to seven degrees. If you wish

  • Helical Fascia of the back body

    Yoga Therapie

    The collagen fibers (i.e. the molecular building blocks of our fascia) are also slightly electrically charged

  • Breathing Spinal Discs

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    abdominal muscles is a very important building block to also maintain the length afterwards. Diagonal

  • Yoga Sutra 4.29-32: From Viveka to Samadhi and comprehensive calm

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Yoga-Sutra   ▸   Yoga Sutra 4: On Inner Freedom (Ronald, Laura)

    thread of braided cord Even the basic building blocks of nature ( guṇa ) come to rest. They now have

  • 'Tension Helix' Breath - Stability for your body

    Yoga Therapie

    often helps to elevate your seat on a pillow, a block or a chair. Place your hands on either side of your

  • Fascia-Yoga: Balancing the back body

    Yoga Therapie

    hard collagen fibers there are elastic building blocks (elastin). They connect the fibers of the fascia

  • Advanced Ausbildung

    My AYI

    eise.... sollte das tatsächlich für den ersten Block so sein, fand ich es super, wenn wir uns dann in [...] eise.... sollte das tatsächlich für den ersten Block so sein, fand ich es super, wenn wir uns dann in