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    Fascial sheaths wrap around our legs in a formation similar to opposing helices. With these yoga exercises

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    Fascial sheaths wrap around our legs in a formation similar to opposing helices. With these yoga exercises

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    Fascial sheaths wrap around our legs in a formation similar to opposing helices. With these yoga exercises

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    Yoga Therapie

    and thus rotate the thigh outwards. Now repeat a similar experiment, this time in a sitting position, though

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    most mental and physical diseases and disorders, similar mechanisms apply as for the increase of our general

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    most mental and physical diseases and disorders, similar mechanisms apply as for the increase of our general

  • Yoga Therapy - Intensive Week


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    called Upadhmānīya. The German fh is ph is quite similar to this sound. (Example: Dor- f -Platz ). Examples:

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    Fascial sheaths wrap around our legs in a formation similar to opposing helices. With these yoga exercises

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    Ronald Steiner: "No, but that's part of it - and similar to other things in life. You like some asanas,