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  • 17.5.16 A physicist at AYI®

    Community   ▸   Network

    herself with the Institute at Ulm and she is truly looking forward to seeing the Ulm yogis again and to practice [...] each training group, Kati says, and she is truly looking forward to meeting many new and inspiring people [...] on an advanced level. For this reason, she also likes practicing the Mysore Style best. Moreover, Kati

  • Fascia Yoga: establishing well-balanced helical tension in the shoulders, elbows and wrists

    Yoga Therapie

    opposed to independent parts At first glimpse we could look out our body and easily be under the impression [...] the palms of the hands. Rotational Stabilization: like two intertwined strands of rope There are two myofasical [...] lines that wrap around the front and back of the arm like two ropes that are intertwined. The twisting of

  • 20.7.16 Rolfing & Ashtanga Yoga

    Yoga Therapie

    practical skills she developed through intensive massage-like bodywork, from which the modular method we use today [...] shoulder girdle movements 10. Rooting the feet and looking toward the horizon Andreas: It is only when the [...] currently the newest trend word. You would have to look hard to find an article on therapy or yoga where

  • Tradition vs. Innovation

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    what kind of yoga tradition does Mysore have? If we look beyond postures, and into a wider range of yogic [...] impact on yoga, in my view. The fixed sequences are like the scales a classically trained musician must learn [...] little more recently formatted than we would have liked to think. Yoga has been around forever and taken

  • Inspiration for your practice

    Ashtanga Yoga

    the waves like a surfer. Experience it here … Inspiration for your practice Vinyasa - like beads on a [...] thoughts like raindrops in the ocean, practice becomes an energetic track in the ether, the breath like the [...] apart from one another. But after taking a closer look, it becomes apparent that they actually have quite

  • Flip Vinyasa for a strong core

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    showing what the traditional form of the practice looks like. Your form. Your breath. Your practice. We feel [...] a form if you are having knee trouble and are looking for a switch out for your normal vinyasas. The [...] AYI Community by posting your comments below. We look forward to hearing from you! Many thanks to OGNX

  • Take your Chance!

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    travel. Everything aligned perfectly and it seemed like this opportunity was awaiting me. I took the chance [...] me and supported my decision with a short mantra-like phrase: Take your Chance! [Nutze die Gelegenheit [...] come up in areas that you are naturally drawn to. Looking back at your time in school is a great example

  • From Old-School Dynamic Stretches to Modern Fascia Yoga

    Yoga Therapie

    forms of training became more interesting. Those looking to develop muscular power starting working on more [...] power in the muscles that were trained. For those looking for exceptional flexibility, long-held static stretches [...] and then release it back. Ideally, the body works like a rubber ball: it bounces in and out. You can see

  • Inspirational Video on Breath

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    clear balance in every aspect of our being, we can look deeply within ourselves to gain perspective on who [...] breathing“ This is the way Sri K. Pattabhi Jois liked to describe Ashtanga Vinyasa. 2 Sabine : In the [...] modification of the body's shape are one and the same. I like to kid with my students by telling them that they

  • Fascia Yoga: Helical tension for healthy hips, knees and ankles

    Yoga Therapie

    we first look at the anatomy of the leg we see muscles in a diagonal formation. When we look further at [...] The sheaths of fascia wrap in multiples layers like an opposing double helix around the entire leg. [...] complaint in any of these joints, we cannot simply look at the area that is affected without taking the