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  • Atmung und Psyche - Wie Pranayama entsteht

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    innovatives Ashtanga Yoga. Als fortgeschrittener Praktiker ist er fest in der Tradition des Ashtanga verwurzelt

  • 7.9.2012 Wiesbaden - Learn to Fly

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Workshops

    innovatives Ashtanga Yoga. Als fortgeschrittener Praktiker ist er fest in der Tradition des Ashtanga verwurzelt [...] so einem Zugang in die subtileren Dimensionen des Yoga ermöglichen. Philosophie und Pranayama schließen

  • Aerial Yoga

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    the ease and lightness of Aerial Yoga. What is Aerial Yoga? Aerial Yoga is a new and innovative invention: [...] integrating Aerial Yoga into AYI ® and the new project was ready to become a reality. Ashtanga Yoga Institute [...] first to try Aerial Yoga. Aerial Yoga – a further innovation at AYI ® With Aerial Yoga there will thus be

  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

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    Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Tanja Sofie Schøndorff Østboulevarden 11 B Aarhus City yoga@tanjasofie

  • Ashtanga Shala Santosha Yoga Maui

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    Ashtanga Shala Santosha Yoga Maui Christina Martini Yoga & Wellness Haiku Hawaii +1 808 793-2273 www

  • Ashtanga Yoga Center Moscow

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    Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Center Moscow Leonid Lanin 44-15, B. Serpukhovskaya Moscow www

  • Body, Mind, & Soul Yoga

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    and group classes. I was certified in Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga in 2008 and have been teaching since. I [...] Kontakt-Info Body, Mind, & Soul Yoga Amie Carter 2915 Harper Kansas [...] I specialize in prenatal, restorative, and yoga therapy.

  • The Art of Yoga: Ashtanga in Indianapolis

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    Kontakt-Info The Art of Yoga: Ashtanga in Indianapolis Carol Tharp-Perrin, RYT 500 6731 Shore Island [...] Island Drive Indianapolis

  • Wave and Breath

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    Breath in Ashtanga Vinyasa and in Yoga Therapy The breath plays such a major role in the Ashtanga Vinyasa [...] bewegte Meditation. Mit "Wave & Breath" hat Ashtanga Yoga Legende Dr. Ronald Steiner den optimalen Soundtrack [...] seeVideo Shop Wave & Breath CD - Music For Asthanga Yoga Dr. Ronald Steiner Tauche ein in eine vom Atem getragene

  • Yogaplus

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    Tradition von Ashtanga Yoga. Bei Yogaplus wird außerdem in der Tradition des Vinyasa Yoga unterrichtet [...] Workshops zu weiteren Traditionen wie Jivamukti Yoga oder Hatha Yoga angeboten.