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    Vinyasa yoga is a moving meditation and leads you to holistic wellbeing. The primary series, or "Yoga Chikitsa" [...] Vinyasa yoga is a moving meditation and leads you to holistic wellbeing. The primary series, or "Yoga Chikitsa" [...] Gutes tun! Shop Kurzleitfaden Ashtanga Yoga 1. Serie - Basic Form Dr. Ronald Steiner Praktischer Aufsteller

  • 1. Serie Sliding Part 1

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Online Yoga classes

    ana A Minute 10:26 - Vīrabhadrāsana B Minute 11:45 - Daṇḍāsana Minute 12:17 - Paścimottānāsana A Minute [...] Drittel der ersten Serie ein. Matte vs. Decke. 7 innovative class (de) Sliding Sequenz 1. Serie, Teil 3: Dein [...] innovative Sequenz vom ersten Drittel der ersten Serie, die Dich dabei unterstützt, Kraft in der Körpermitte

  • Mysore Intensiv

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    Class 1. Serie Di - Do 07.00 - 09.00 Uhr Mysore Style Fr 11.00 - 13.30 Uhr Led Class 1. Serie Die Nachmittage [...] 390,00 € Content 1 Platz *tax free after § 4 Nr. 21a) bb) UStG.) Select 10% Ermäßigung für AYI Mitglieder: [...] Mitgliedschaft und Konditionen . Schwerpunkt 1. Serie Der Mysore Style bezeichnet eine ganz besondere

  • Herzlicher Glückwunsch!

    An offering from your yoga teacher

    shows us a therapeutic sequence which will activate the body and get prana flowing. Give it a try! innovative [...] through the complete Primary Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa. Practice along with him in a traditional way and experience [...] close your practice in a neck-friendly way. ashtanga class (de) Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa

  • PrimarySeries-EN.pdf

    Śīrṣāsana A B C footDṚṢṬI foot foot foot foot foot nose side side foot nose nose 3. eye nose Only when a regular [...] Aṣṭāṅga yoga is a journey from the coarse to the subtle. The practice of the 1st Series is at the beginning [...] Positions (see there), the 1st Series will be your field for learning on six days a week (Sunday to Friday,

  • Ashtanga Yoga 2. Serie: ganz sanft - <b>ONLINE</b>

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   Events   ▸   Workshops

    bereits die erste Serie des Ashtanga Yoga nur für Super-Sportler geeignet - die zweite Serie sogar nur für [...] chen Schönheit. Die zweite Serie ganz sanft Das Prinzip der zweiten Serie ist ganz simpel: "Weite Dein [...] die 2. Serie eintauchen oder diese besser für Dich anpassen. Entdecke die Schönheit der 2. Serie und erlebe

  • Dynamische Schultern in der 2. Serie

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    Preview: As a member you can view the entire video. Dynamische Schultern in der 2. Serie - Teil 1 24 [...] Beweglichkeit fördert. Übe den ersten Teil der zweiten Serie (bis Laghu Vajrasana), in der verschiedene Varianten [...] tauchst Du mit Svenja ab Bakasana in die zweite Serie ein - ebenfalls mit dem Fokus, eine Balance im

  • Zweite Serie

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Events   ▸   Workshops

    die Positionen der 2. Serie an, und modifizieren sie ggf. ein wenig. Da die 2. Serie überwiegend “Rückbeugen” [...] Training Inspired Ausbildung (AYI ® ) – Become a teacher by being a student October 2020 - July 2021 Erlangen [...] Anatomisch korrektes Üben der 1. Hälfte der 2. Serie 14:30 – 17:00 Playground: Hüfte und unterer Rücken

  • The Founding Fathers of Ashtanga Yoga (Part 2/3)

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    ed by both a universal tradition and regional as well as individual differences. Up to a certain degree [...] as 37 years later. As a student at the Sanskrit College at Mysore, he earned a meagre living by teaching [...] call him, is to help you get a deeper understanding. The development of a practice system With his students'

  • 9.9.16 AYI® Interview Andrew Eppler

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    Eventually I rented a space. After some time, I had a space all to myself, and put a sign up saying “Ashtanga [...] Primary Series. I owe my entrance into the practice entirely to my father. Cliff Barber is a little known [...] father’s. He taught us Primary Series in 1985. My father and I always had a close relationship and we were