Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Online Yoga classes
(Āsana) like a string of pearls. Ujjāyī breath can be looked at as the string holding the entire practice together [...] yoga. At the same time, it is perfect for those looking to make a better connection to the breath during
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
view, which in a way opens up the possibility of looking at things differently. This is already expressed [...] recited. Instead, it's more like you take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror and realize your ignorance [...] would argue it might be quite the opposite. If you look more closely, the actual knowledge conveyed in the
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Inspiration for your practice
entire time and practice. Depending on what your day looks like and what appointments have, you could arrive [...] Teaching Mysore Style As a teacher I try to take a look at the student's practice as a whole. Gradually [...] you are facing challenges in your practice, try to look into the source of the issue and go to your teacher
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
Ramamohan Brâhmachâri. When Krishnamacharya was looking for a Hatha Yoga style passed on in an authentic [...] the ancient source texts, knew precisely where to look: already at the beginning of the 20th century, scholars [...] proofs? From this point of view, life is like looking through a kaleidoscope. You see beautiful colours
Yoga Therapie
It is also a fun little challenge for any yogi looking to test their limitations and to improve their [...] the maximum score. Here it is more interesting to look at the overall ratios as opposed to individual cases
Community ▸ Network
have taken time off to care for family, who were looking for inspiration to do something different with [...] practice. Following the weekend course I started looking immediately for teacher trainings. The concept [...] in check. With AYI you have to take a good hard look at who you are. Then what you do with that is up
Community ▸ Network
guides you. Sabine: What does your personal practice look like? Do you practice different styles or have you [...] themselves on the mat, or even in daily life. Looking at yamas such as as asteya (not stealing) or satya [...] We are excited to hear about the new ideas and look forward to seeing how they develop!