AshtangaYoga ▸ Traditional Practice Series ▸ 3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga
pelvis back and up. As you do this, push your shoulder blades forcefully forward and round your back. ~i [...] Pull your knees tightly together and your pelvis back and up. Once your knees are through behind your [...] fifth exhalation. Tip: In order to pull the legs back and through more easily, start by lifting your knees
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Traditional Practice Series ▸ Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)
=ttaanaa=sana_~~ ~i~pa“scima~~ adjective after, back, the last, westward uttāna adjective extended [...] floor next to you and a bit forward. Pull the pelvis back and up at the same time. In the AYI version of the [...] (paścimottānāsana) is an intense stretch of the backs of the legs. If you follow the cuing above, your
Yoga Therapie
This is why so many pregnant women suffer from back pain. A healthy pelvic floor can support the spine [...] internal support and reducing the likelihood of back pain. On top of that, the weight of the baby rests [...] floor Fascia massage Place both hands on the lower back at the SI joint and using the palms rub gently up
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Traditional Practice Series ▸ Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)
=ttaanaa=sana_~~ ~i~pa“scima~~ adjective after, back, the last, westward uttāna adjective extended [...] floor next to you and a bit forward. Pull the pelvis back and up at the same time. In the AYI version of the [...] effect of variant A: an intense stretch of the backs of the legs, and the spine continues to grow and
Community ▸ Network
yoga that is easy on the back. For this reason, I started with specific back-friendly sequences and practiced [...] from the back. Lisa: Yes, but also from the front because the abdominals also support the back. Melanie: [...] influence. Previously, I had almost always suffered from back pain. Which wasn't there permantly, but I always
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
balance Minute 11:00: Repeat back line series - round 2 Minute 15:30: Repeat back line series - round 3 Minute [...] Mantra Minute 5:40: Exercise sequence to activate the back lines (kangaroo jumps) Minute 7:34: Sun salutation
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Traditional Practice Series ▸ Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)
=ttaanaa=sana_~~ ~i~pa“scima~~ adjective after, back, the last, westward uttāna adjective extended [...] floor next to you and a bit forward. Pull the pelvis back and up at the same time. In the AYI version of the [...] distributed across the inside and outside of the backs of the legs. Because less flexible fibers are also
Philosophy ▸ Source texts and Sanskrit ▸ Sanskrit Pronunciation
sounds according to their place of articulation from back to front: from guttural (throat), palatal (palate) [...] Gutturals Gutturals are produced deep down at the back of the oral cavity, at the bridge of the soft palate [...] Sanskrit language are produced with the tongue rolled back behind the teeth: vowel (r̥, r̥̄), plosive (ṭ,ṭh
AshtangaYoga ▸ Traditional Practice Series ▸ 3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga
Lower your head back onto the floor at the end of the exhalation. Then pull your legs back while lifting [...] hands on the floor. From there, roll a bit onto the back of your head. This gives you maximum space for your [...] shoulders. Now inhale and lift your legs vertically back into the tripod headstand. Vinyāsa 11-13: