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  • 18.11.16 AYI Interview Birgit Hortig

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    The concept of teaching itself was not really so present as my drive to learn more. Sabine: Study, teacher [...] who I am today, especially in my teaching and presentation styles. Ashtanga is no cake-walk. It's definitely [...] Birgit: "You have committed to show up and be present in every moment of your life.“ I'm not really sure

  • Learning from a newborn

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    physical practice of yoga became more and more present. Kiran-Paschimottanasana: one of our family's new [...] immerses himself in the essence of yoga. He is present and enjoys exploring the capabilities of his little

  • Yoga Sutra 4.27-28: Sanskara interrupts inner freedom

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Yoga-Sutra   ▸   Yoga Sutra 4: On Inner Freedom (Ronald, Laura)

    as suffering-inducing powers ( kleśa ), always present. Through persistent practice, you can limit their

  • Sun Salutations for your Fascia

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    The variations of the sun salutations that we present here will help you to build core stability and

  • Primary Series: Basic Form

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    elements of the practice, we can practice being fully present. Showing up in this way helps us to experience

  • Helical fascia activation for healthy legs

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    body weight. The opposing double helix feature present in the legs and arms stretch diagonally across

  • Gayatri Mantra

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Mantra

    Göttlichen dhīmahi 1st person plural aktive present indicative dhā verbal root wir richten unseren

  • Vishvamitrasana

    AshtangaYoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga

    in most other yoga lineages, the names are as presented here. In Traditional Count: Begin directly from

  • Vasishthasana

    AshtangaYoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga

    other yoga lineages, the names are chosen as presented here. Directly from the pose of "Downward-Facing

  • Strengthen your pelvic region - Take a bit of time for self care!

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    constructive rest. The goal of this video is to be present, relax and feel embodied. In taking this short