Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Inspiration for your practice
Horizontale nach vorne. Erst dann leitest Du die Rotation aus der Brustwirbelsäule ein. Platziere die linke [...] Horizontale erreicht hat, dann leitest Du die Rotation aus der Brustwirbelsäule ein. Mühelos kannst Du
Yoga Therapie
because the torso maintains stability through rotational vibration. The the course of our evolution, humans [...] Taking the exercise a step further, you can add a rotational movement. You pivot on your standing foot and [...] movements create a coordinatively challenging rotation along the longitudinal axis of the body. Effect:
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Inspiration for your practice
the outer side of the sitz bone of the back leg. Rotate the leg outwards and upwards (figure 2) . Observe [...] difficult variations. For the next round, try rotating the front leg outward from the hip joint and bending