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Searched for rotating.
  • Pashasana

    AshtangaYoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   2. Serie Nadi Shodhana

    Gleichgewicht und entwickelt die Rotation. Diese Flexibilität in der Rotation ist eine optimale Vorbereitung

  • Parivritta Trikonasana

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    Horizontale nach vorne. Erst dann leitest Du die Rotation aus der Brustwirbelsäule ein. Platziere die linke [...] Horizontale erreicht hat, dann leitest Du die Rotation aus der Brustwirbelsäule ein. Mühelos kannst Du

  • Dynamic helical tension – energetic vibration for a healthy body

    Yoga Therapie

    because the torso maintains stability through rotational vibration. The the course of our evolution, humans [...] Taking the exercise a step further, you can add a rotational movement. You pivot on your standing foot and [...] movements create a coordinatively challenging rotation along the longitudinal axis of the body. Effect:

  • Utthita Hasta Padangushthasana B

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)

    bit and deepen the groin into a slight internal rotation. In this way the spine can maintain it's natural

  • Anjaneyāsana

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    the outer side of the sitz bone of the back leg. Rotate the leg outwards and upwards (figure 2) . Observe [...] difficult variations. For the next round, try rotating the front leg outward from the hip joint and bending

  • Fascia Training in Yoga

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    exercise (pull on the lateral fascial) Minute 5:38: Rotational exercise (activate diagonal/ helical fascial

  • Kashyapasana

    AshtangaYoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga

    develops flexibility, especially in the external rotation of the hip. Fotograf: Richard Pilnick - www.r

  • Tri-guṇa

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Online Yoga classes

    Purvottanasana Minute 28:44 : Side-kick with hip rotation and stretch Minute 30:28 : Bridge and Urdhva

  • Janu Shirshasana B

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)

    your shin slightly from the floor in internal rotation. You will feel the activation about the ankle

  • Maricyasana A

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Traditional Practice Series    ▸   Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa)

    it falls to the side, tilt the entire pelvis and rotate the left half of the pelvis inwards. This will