Community ▸ YogiFinder ▸ Ashtanga Schulen Elena De Martin started her yoga path in 1999. After several years to study [...] philosophy and yoga texts with Dr. M.A. Jayashree and Prof. M.A. Narasimhan. She runs an Ashtanga Yoga School [...] Kontakt-Info La Yoga Shala (Ass. Mi.As.Yo.) Elena De Martin Via Domenichino,11 Milano astangamilano@yahoo
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ AYI(R) Teacher Training ▸ Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
2017 - Essentials für Ashtanga Yoga - Ashtanga Yoga für Senioren - Hatha Yoga Pradipika - 68 UE 02.-09 [...] Termine 24.-31.07.2015 - Die Kunst Yoga zu Unterrichten - Ashtanga Yoga für Einsteiger - Sanskrit Aussprache [...] sollte enthalten: (1) Lebenslauf mit Yoga (2) Motivationsschreiben mit Yoga-Hintergrund und ggf. besonderen
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ AYI(R) Teacher Training ▸ Inspired Shortcut
des Ashtanga Yoga, lernst die philosophischen Konzepte kennen und erfährst einen Weg, Ashtanga Elemente [...] sollte enthalten: (1) Lebenslauf mit Yoga (2) Motivationsschreiben mit Yoga-Hintergrund und ggf. besonderen [...] Kittel-Holmgren: Deine Ausbildungsleiterin Ashtanga Yoga Bodensee: Dein Ausbildungsort Du bist interessiert
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Inspiration for your practice
Yoga is, what you don’t see. The powerful movements of ashtanga are only the exterior surface of an internal [...] state is achieved, does the lotus blossom of ashtanga yoga unfold its petals. Ujjayi breathing is the [...] Jois Tristana is the key to this spiritual side of yoga. Tristana is the name for the union of vinyasa,
Community ▸ Network
more specifically: how she wound up in Ulm for Ashtanga Yoga Innovation, how she uses the method in her own [...] her story. Claudia teaches on Friday at the Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Ulm. Note: We apologize for the [...] expect in this video? Claudia is an experienced yoga teacher with many years of practice. She has been
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
did you start with Yoga? My mother was a yoga teacher, so I became familiar with yoga at a young age. From [...] thesis of a yoga teacher in a yoga teacher training. Alexandra is involved with the yoga taught according [...] mind-body connection. - and what brought you to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga? At first glance the practice seems to be
Workshops and Teacher Training ▸ Modular Therapy Course (MTC)
Hintergründe des Ashtanga Yoga, erklärt die philosophischen Konzepte und zeigt einen Weg, Ashtanga Elemente auf [...] Hintergründe des Ashtanga Yoga, erklärt die philosophischen Konzepte und zeigt einen Weg, Ashtanga Elemente auf [...] einfließen zu lassen - auch außerhalb der Ashtanga Yoga Tradition.