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  • 20.7.16 Rolfing & Ashtanga Yoga

    Yoga Therapie

    feel the reaction of the client. Incipient pain leads to more active breathing, and as we come to the [...] means to start movement from the inside out. This leads to a feeling of liberation and we are detached from

  • Yoga & Sports

    Yoga Therapie

    efficient way to strengthen the back - which in turn leads to an increased performance in the rowing boat. [...] This form of unbalanced strain and training often leads to health problems in the long run. Here, yoga can

  • SuryaNamaskar-EN.pdf

    three to five rounds of Sūrya Namaskāra A and B can lead directly to a brief Finishing Sequence (see there)

  • Good Old Hammies - A sequence for healthy hamstrings

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    is a pull on the muscle attachment, which then leads to inflammation. In order to bring balance back

  • Reawake Massage

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    vessels and have been absorbed by tissue. This leads to the sense that the legs are so heavy. Through

  • AYI® Inspired Ausbildung Ulm (WE 1)

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    be excited about your class, when a" red thread" leads trough it. But how do you find the right theme or

  • Don't fear the Yoga Sutra!

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    type of systematic examination of the eight steps leading to samadhi, or, enlightenment? Sooner or later [...] path. Similar to my first teacher's approach, I now lead my Mysore classes with a short meditation or chanting

  • Hüfte

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    werden kann. Samstag 09.00 - 11.30 Ashtanga Yoga - Lead Class Pause: Bitte bringe Dir einen kleinen Imbiss

  • Rücken

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    01. Dezember 2007 9.00 – 11.30 Uhr Ashtanga Yoga Lead Class 11.30 – 13.00 Uhr „Rücken“ I (Theorie und

  • Kniegelenk

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    – 08.30 Pranayama 08.30 - 11.00 Ashtanga Yoga - Lead Class Pause: Bitte bringe Dir einen kleinen Imbiss