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Searched for p.p.
  • Labial plosives

    Philosophy   ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari   ▸   Devanagari

    over the letter. Pronunciation an unvoiced pa as in P apier labial (at the lips) place of articulation फ [...] letter. Pronunciation an unvoiced, aspirated pha as in P avillon labial (at the lips) place of articulation

  • Arhanta Yoga Ashram India

    Community   ▸   YogiFinder   ▸   Ashtanga Schulen

    Arhanta Yatri Niwas (Near Khajuraho), Village Bansarai, P.O. Onta Purwa (via Bamitha) chattarpur,India arha

  • Visarga (ḥ)

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Sanskrit Pronunciation

    front of unvoiced labial sounds (p, ph) When an unvoiced labial sound (p or ph) follows, the Visarga is [...] Sanskrit, there are labial vowels (u, ū), plosives (p, ph, b, bh), nasals (m) and semivowels (v). A labial

  • Chaui-Berlinck_2017.pdf

    Chinchapatnam, P., Ginks, M., Lamata, P., Rhode, K. S., Rinaldi, C. A., Razavi, R. and Smith, N. P. (2011). [...] 1242/jeb.167106 Jo u rn al o f Ex p er im en ta lB io lo g y instead of ‘P’, which would cause confusion [...] 2012 p. 259; Todorov and Jordan, 2002) and computational complexity (e.g. Benenti et al., 2007 p. 24;

  • MTC x 3 (Fuß, Knie, Hüfte)

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    Anmeldung Finca Unterkunft und Verpflegung ab 630,00 € p. P. / Woche Buchung direkt bei Neue Wege Bitte habe [...] Eine Woche Unterkunft und Verpflegung ab 630,00 € / p. P. einschließlich: Übernachtung im geteilten Doppelzimmer

  • Sanskrit Sandhi

    Philosophy    ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari

    nine specific consonants (k, ṅ, ñ, ṇ, n, m, ṭ, t, p). Please note: The following rules are applied after [...] consider vowels as well as ḥ, k, ṅ, ñ, ṇ, n, m, ṭ, t, p as final sounds. These Sandhi rules apply to: the

  • SVU 2.1-3

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 2 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    habend, aufgerichtet habend; "p""r̥thivyāḥ Ablativ Singular "p""r̥thivī Substantiv Feminin von [...] Erkenntnisse, Intelligenzen

    agner jyotir nichayi*ya; "p""rithivya adhi* abharat ||1||
    अग्नेर्ज्योतिर्निचायिय "प्""ऋथिव्या अधि आभरत् ॥१॥
    agner jyotir nicāyi*ya; "p""r̥thivyā adhi* ābharat ॥1॥
    agneḥ Genitiv [...] Saṅkara explains: 'With a mind that has been joined p. 239 by Savitri to the Highest Self, we, with the

  • Traditional Ashtanga Praha

    Community   ▸   YogiFinder   ▸   Ashtanga Schulen

    following the traditional lineage carried by Manju P. Jois and Nancy Gilgoff. She says: "I can never

  • DYS 109-119: Meditation über die fünf Elemente

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Dattatreyayogashastra (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    wird, entfernt.

    "p""rithivi-dharanam vaksye; parthivebhyo bhayapaham |
    "प्""ऋथिवीधारणं वक्ष्ये पार्थिवेभ्यो भयापहम् ।
    "p""r̥thivī-dhāraṇaṁ vakṣye; pārthivebhyo bhayāpaham ।
    "p""r̥thivī Tatpuru [...] ~i~tatas Adverb dort "p""r̥thivī Tatpuruṣa-Kompositum Lokativ "p""r̥thvī Substantiv Feminin [...] Adjektiv entfernend
    "p""rithivi-sambhavas tasya; na nrityur yoginor bhavet ||111||
    "प्""ऋथिवीसंभवस्तस्य न मृत्युर्योगिनोर्भवेत् ॥१११॥
    "p""r̥thivī-saṁbhavas tasya; na mr̥tyur yoginor bhavet ॥111॥
    "p""r̥thivī ~i~Tatpuru

  • pr2015177a.pdf

    o f s am e va ria bl es . * P < 0 .0 5; ** P < 0 .0 1; † P < 0 .1 ; ‡ P < 0 .0 01 . 108 Pediatric ReseaRCH [...] after entry of each variable B SE B B P value β R2 ΔR2 F ΔF ΔF P value Fussy/difficult dimension (constant) [...] pregnancy on infant temperament: Project ice storm David P. Laplante1, Alain Brunet1,2 and Suzanne King1,2 Pediatr