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  • More than skin-deep

    Yoga Therapie

    being absolutely present. Mindfulness activities using the skin prepare us for the journey from the gross [...] to bear the weight of your body with lightness, using as little muscle activation as is needed to remain [...] upright. Let your body take the breaths it needs. Use as little effort as possible to keep yourself tall

  • Sun Salutations A+B in Basic Form

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    inside and reflect as you move. Additionally, you can use this practice to gently reduce stiffness in the morning [...] Ronald shows you how to practice sun salutations using the seat of a chair, which will help to mobilize

  • Strengthen your Thoracic Spine

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    lumbar spine is not intended to move so much, and in using it in such a way it will cause further lower back [...] the curvature under control. The sequence is also useful for people who have inflammatory diseases such

  • Sun Salutations for your Fascia

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    activated in this form. This is an excellent form to use for fascial fitness. Sun Salutation A: The Flying [...] Ronald shows you how to practice sun salutations using the seat of a chair, which will help to mobilize

  • Supine Sun Salutations

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    intresing if you want ot rest the wrists or shoulder. Using such a form following an injury can give you an [...] Ronald shows you how to practice sun salutations using the seat of a chair, which will help to mobilize

  • 9.9.16 AYI® Interview Andrew Eppler

    Community   ▸   Network

    and I always had a close relationship and we were used to running together each morning before we began [...] about your experiences there? Did you have to get used to the “Indian” style first or was the training [...] practice and permanently opened my body in many ways. Using the time to quickly look a couple of things up.

  • Depression & Lebensfreude

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    practice of yoga and yoga therapy and how yoga can be used to help process traumatic experiences by means of [...] practice of yoga and yoga therapy and how yoga can be used to help process traumatic experiences by means of

  • Trauma and Resilience

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    practice of yoga and yoga therapy and how yoga can be used to help process traumatic experiences by means of [...] practice of yoga and yoga therapy and how yoga can be used to help process traumatic experiences by means of

  • Source texts and Sanskrit


    script of another. Make Saṁkr̥t easy (simplified) and use diacritical marks to describe pronunciation (IAST [...] script of another. Make Saṁkr̥t easy (simplified) and use diacritical marks to describe pronunciation (IAST

  • Healthy Joints: Using a unicycle to get there

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    explain the key to maintaining healthy joints. Using the hip joint as an example, you will learn how