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  • The right twist for a healthy back

    Yoga Therapie

    exhalation. Feel how your whole musculoskeletal system relaxes more and more with each breath and how [...] to its balance and coordination component. Always work with attentive, conscious and slow moves rather

  • Yoga and Karate

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    foreign concepts and sequences. If you can manage to work through this without giving up, you are truly rewarded [...] 20th century. Funakoshi wrote a number of basic works on the subject, including a book describing the [...] personally compare kata with sūrya namaskāra. Both systems follow a fixed sequence of movements, which I create

  • Fascia-Yoga: Balancing the back body

    Yoga Therapie

    back and release that energy. In this way, they work much like a spring (rebound effect). Almost every [...] is where there is often hardening of the fascial system. Supine hip-opener - Creeping Effect After the

  • SVU 1.4-6

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 1 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    summing up of certain technicalities recognised in systems of philosophy existing at the time, or whether [...] causes is ignorance of self, produced by good or bad works ~h2~pa~nca-stroto_'mbu.m,_pa~nca-yony-ugra-vakraa [...] explained by Śaṅkara in accordance with certain systems of philosophy. The five streams are the five receptive

  • 2013-01-01_YogaJournal.pdf

    heißt für mich, Yoga als ganzheitliches Übungs- system zu erkennen. Auch wenn Hatha Yoga mit dem Physischen [...] Weiterbildungen für Yogalehrer sowie international Work- shops und Retreats. Nächster Ausbildungs- start

  • pr2015177a.pdf

    infection itself, but from the mother’s immune system, in particular the increased production of cytokines [...] and thus sub- sequent postnatal development may work independently or in harmony with the cortisol pathway

  • Advanced Ausbildung

    My AYI

    Wirkungen der Haltung gemäß der HYP. Euer Team Work und Kreativität ist Gefragt! Beispiel 2: Im 3. Kapitel [...] Wirkungen der Haltung gemäß der HYP. Euer Team Work und Kreativität ist Gefragt! Beispiel 2: Im 3. Kapitel [...] to some music to reduce the thinking. it does not work that good, maybe i loose 20% of the brainstorming

  • Breath, Bandha

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    Tagesablauf Der Tag beginnt mit angewandter Anatomie, Alignment-Prinzipien und therapeutischen Übungen. Diese werden vorgestellt und praktisch umgesetzt. Der Abschluss des Tages steht ganz im Schwerpu