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  • SVU 1.13-16

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 1 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    syllable Om). Max Müller - 1879 5 : This metaphor, like most philosophical metaphors in Sanskrit, is rather [...] drill of meditation, will perceive the bright god, like the spark hidden in the wood 1 . Max Müller - 1879 [...] so is the Self seized within the self, if man looks for him by truthfulness and penance 3 ; Max Müller

  • Confidence

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    evenings and I would like to find out more about the meaning of the mantras. I would like to be able to tell [...] practice yoga at the AYInstitute and how much he liked it. After my university degree, I got a job at Ulm [...] practicing here for some time, I've also realized that I like making an effort more because I have repeatedly

  • Five Divine Acts

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    These acts are not limited to grand cosmic processes like the creation or dissolution of the universe. They [...] that performs these five divine acts. A Detailed Look at the Five Divine Acts The five divine acts are [...] creation. The sensory goddesses represent faculties like sight and other senses, which are not merely passive

  • Yogability Herdecke

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    series. On the outside, these individual series may look highly different, but they all share one feature: [...] classes. As an AYI ® Expert Teacher I'm already looking forward to giving my students an even deeper insight [...] teachers seeking new inspiration. Sabine: That sounds like great plans! Thank you so much for the interview

  • Yoga and Karate

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    those who have little knowledge of karate will likely think of a whole series of what the discipline [...] necessarily pertain to yoga. From the outside looking in these two worlds couldn’t be further apart: [...] often disapproving and vary from astonishment, looks of utter shock, silence, taking a step back, changing

  • 108 Sun salutations

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    the sun salutation always had the chance to have a look and copy our movements. I'm really happy that this [...] (laughs) Sabine : Still, 108 sun salutations sounds like quite a lot, even if you allow for possible mod [...] organizing something again next year and are already looking forward to that.

  • Exploring Krishnamacharya with Anthony 'Grimmly' Hall

    Ulm   ▸   Events Ulm

    relatively quickly to Ashtanga Advanced series and looking for ever more asana to practice Anthony came across [...] in Yoga Makaranda (1934), the long slow breath, ‘like the pouring of oil’, the appropriate kumbhaka’s

  • 13.7.16 AYI® Interview - Richard Pilnick

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    take beautiful pictures of them?“ However, when looking at some pieces of your work, I felt that there [...] loading of the dark slides was the mantra, just like the double syllable from Transcendental Meditation [...] photography? Richard: Well, that depends how we look at it. If life is Yoga and every action we do is

  • 27.10.16 Laughter Yoga

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    is suitable for anyone who is curious and would like to explore the effect of laughter on the mind-body [...] series of easy-to-learn movements. Curious? Then I look forward to welcoming you to one of my Laughter Yoga

  • Everyday Mindfulness with Yoga

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    will inevitably not get done. This scenario sounds like a no-brainer, but nevertheless we suffer from feeling [...] is possible to take a break, which allows us to look at what burdens us from a healthy distance. By taking