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  • Chaui-Berlinck_2017.pdf

    referring to mean values during the cardiac cycle. To incorporate such a cycle in the mean- valued model [...] the cardiovascular system is usually described by means of the cardiac and vascular functions, the former [...] into a circular reasoning. Actually, the OP could well be a neutral equilibrium point or, even worse, an

  • 'Tension Helix' Breath - Stability for your body

    Yoga Therapie

    will see that it is not very realistic. It would mean that an 80-kilogram person would have just under [...] other segments stretch. The result is a constant and well-distributed tension across the entire helix. But

  • Tradition vs. Innovation

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    to teach there, the Sanskrit College was already well established with a huge library of all Indian philosophy [...] in my view, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a coherent, well-constructed system that comes out of a very innovative [...] mind becomes calm and clear do we see the deeper meanings behind the practice. As David Williams likes to

  • Shitali - Through the eyes of science


    due to this mechanism, but the heart rate does as well. Conversely, the heart rate slows down again during [...] health. Additionally, vascular reactivity improves, meaning that blood vessels can better respond to changes

  • pr2015177a.pdf

    its effect on birth weight (11). A second, less well-studied intrauterine event, particularly in humans [...] stress may also affect the fetus through other means, directly or indirectly, such as by alterations

  • Craighead_2021.pdf

    ined estrogen-deficient postmenopausal women as well as in estrogen-deficient postmenopausal women following [...] increased activity of the NO-producing enzyme, eNOS, as well as decreased basal ROS production from HUVECs treated [...] sympathetic nervous system activity are mixed. Longer, well-controlled clinical trials with enough participants

  • Advanced Ausbildung

    My AYI

    na hat 17 Vinyasas. So hat es Pattabhi gezählt. Well in der Yoga Mala ist nicht immer alles klar und [...] na hat 17 Vinyasas. So hat es Pattabhi gezählt. Well in der Yoga Mala ist nicht immer alles klar und [...] of help to me. Maybe they are of help to you as well. I copied the texts from the AYI online Sutra into