Yoga Therapie
myofasical lines that wrap around the front and back of the arm like two ropes that are intertwined. [...] torso. The two deeper lines running on the front and back of the shoulder are connected with the deep double [...] neutral spine you will exhale and let your upper back hang between the shoulder blades. Straighten your
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
Observe how different rib actions affect the lower back. Take note of how this conscious change in movement [...] lumbar spine not only helps you to stretch the lower back, but also addresses your own inner limitations and [...] limits - the front body through your legs and the back body through the lumbar spine. The limitations are
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
dynamic movements, you can build strength, prevent back pain and establish a more powerful, well-balanced [...] For some reason, however, strength often takes the back seat. Beware of letting this part go, because without [...] start to quiver and become inflamed - which leads to back pain. Don't take the easy way out! In order to build
Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Online Yoga classes
Neck and shoulder tension or pain in the upper back or shoulder girdle are not uncommon occurrences [...] sensitive neck or know that the shoulder and upper back are not strong enough for headstand or shoulder
My AYI ▸ My E-Learning
with HNP often improved through passive back bends. Through the back bend the vertebrate are pulled apart [...] angel practice the above discribed lying on your back. This exercise is especially nice in when lying [...] Slide Finally let gravity work for you. Rest your back on a tilted up Yoga bolster. Your sacrum resting
AshtangaYoga ▸ Traditional Practice Series ▸ 3rd Series - Sthira Bhaga
the right upper arm while lifting your right leg back up. Tip: Initiate the swinging movement only after [...] : At the end of the exhalation, lower your head back to the ground. Rotate your legs to the center. Your [...] inhale as you lift your straightened legs vertically back into the tripod headstand. Vinyāsa 11-13:
Yoga Therapie
certain injuries and conditions. Knee injuries and back pain are among the most frequent reasons why athletes [...] yoga offers an efficient way to strengthen the back - which in turn leads to an increased performance [...] Particularly quick results can be achieved with back pain that is caused by disbalances or chronic overload