Ashtanga Yoga ▸ Inspiration for your practice
same can be said of our true nature. We see this using the lens of our human nature. But even this lens [...] breath. But even this isn't enough: The muscles used for breathing lie deep within the body. By activating
another. Make Saṁkr̥t easy (simplified) and use diacritical marks to describe pronunciation (IAST [...] another. Make Saṁkr̥t easy (simplified) and use diacritical marks to describe pronunciation (IAST
Ulm ▸ Kurse
can join this class as an AYI practice member or use half class from your 10 card or your 12 times course
Ulm ▸ Events Ulm
.com/ Topics of the afternoon workshop: Correct use of bandha and breath/ foundational core of primary
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
help you to secure these memories in a safe place using the This is a 10-minute meditation video where we [...] help you to secure these memories in a safe place using the imagery of a personal vault so that you can
Yoga Therapie
like to introduce a set of exercises which you can use to compliment your yoga practice and to help you [...] the left thigh and draw it in towards the body. Using your right elbow, you can press your right thigh
Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
become aware of his thinking. Everything that we use to define or identify us, usually as a result of [...] said spiritual understanding that is not put into use is worthless. He would also always say that I didn't [...] are the causes of my suffering. In other words, using my intellect, I would start to justify my suffering
Yoga Therapie
special focus on the front of the hip are very useful in developing your backbend practice. Deep fascia [...] bone. Draw the right knee forward as you lift, and use your left hand to push your pelvis forward from behind [...] hip (deep front line) The same principle can be used with Camel pose, also known as Ustrasana, which