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  • Plosives

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Sanskrit Pronunciation

    same place of articulation. We will have a closer look at the respective nasal in a group on a separate [...] there are no retroflex sounds. They are pronounced like t and d but with the tongue bent further back. For

  • Roots of a tradition

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    Krishnamacharya also taught, BNS Iyengar, a Vaishnava like Krishnamacharya, continued the tradition of teaching [...] guru in 1924, he received from him the task of looking for the book. After great effort he finally found

  • 21.5.16 Urban Gardening

    Community   ▸   Network

    about getting in touch with both nature and other like-minded people. In addition, the joint gardening [...] inspiration. After the job was done and we had taken a look at the afternoon's work, we finished the day as [...] protection," Melanie tells us. She herself is looking forward to smell the scent of white melissa and

  • Aerial Yoga

    Community   ▸   Network

    effect on lymph drainage. Moreover, the exercises are like a massage of the connective tissue with the stretching [...] stretching and slight pressure ultimately working like fascial training. In addition to that, you release [...] Yoga. We hope that you'll be having fun and are looking forward to taking off together!

  • The Extracellular Matrix (ECM) - The ocean within!

    Yoga Therapie

    Origins of life Looking at the origins of life, we can observe how all living things have become more [...] technique Now choose a region of the body that you'd like to focus on. This could be a region where there [...] in turn also be electrically charged. They align like compass needles along the direction of the massage

  • Dynamic helical tension – energetic vibration for a healthy body

    Yoga Therapie

    first. In practice, however, it is like second nature to us all. Let's look at a very common activity: walking [...] flow. The muscular activity pumps blood, almost like a second heart, throughout the body. This mechanism

  • Dorsal Fascia: directing the stretch

    Yoga Therapie

    bend will depend on how this line is stretched. Like a rubber band For well-balanced flexibility, it [...] Figure 1: Foot sole massage with tennis ball Let's look at the dorsal fascia as a long rubber band. If this [...] draw the sitting bones away from one another and look toward your toes. Widen across the abdomen and chest

  • Krishnamacharya

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    The timeline of Krishnamacharya’s background If we look into the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga, we will inevitably [...] across Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888-1989). Like the beginnings of many myths from the traditions

  • Frontal Fascia: Steering the Stretch

    Yoga Therapie

    Like a vast network The fibers of our fascial system permeates the entire body. They give cells their [...] more that the fascial system, we would actually look pretty much the same as we do now. The function [...] tension across the superficial front line acts more like a release. The entire front body experiences this

  • 22.8.16 SEOM

    Community   ▸   Network

    Sabine: As we reach the end of our interview I would like to touch back on your music and ask you about your [...] instruments such as the acoustic guitar. I am really looking forward to the release. We do not have a precise