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  • Good Old Hammies - A sequence for healthy hamstrings

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    leads to inflammation. In order to bring balance back to the muscle so that it regains its natural elasticity [...] to explore the best ways to bring your hamstrings back in balance. Why we recommend this video Overstretched

  • Short Practice

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    this short practice sequence you will be guided back into calm which will prepare you for the final [...] comparison to the previous exercises. Once you get back to your daily routine, you will return with more

  • Everyday Mindfulness with Yoga

    Community   ▸   Network

    a healthy distance. By taking this time to step back and observe we are giving ourselves a chance to [...] soon as we recognize it, we can bring ourselves back to a state of calm rather effectively. Broadening [...] acknowledge that has happened and bring your thoughts back to the focus of the meditation. There is no need

  • Roots of a tradition

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    – up until today! Krishnamacharya If one traced back the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga from Pattabhi Jois [...] forgotten, and a wise man was needed to bring it back to mankind. Vamana Rishi incarnated himself specifically [...] between 400 BC and 200 AD. Hindu mythology dates back much earlier, to 10,000 BC. The "Yoga Sutra" is

  • Two energy circles for the feet

    Yoga Therapie

    Exhalation a) exhale from the ball of the big toe back to the space between the balls of the second and [...] the fifth toe. Exhalation b) bring the exhalation back from the ball of the fifth toe to the space between

  • AYI Interview with Anna Trökes

    Community    ▸   Network

    the other hand, philosophy seems to have taken a back seat. It is either left out completely or only very [...] Each time I hear something new it invites me to go back and rethink the text and to compare and contrast [...] made it my personal responsibility to get myself back on track. Having a sense of agency and the willingness

  • Lockerer Nacken

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    helical fascia can relieve tension in the neck and back 21.11.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more Stand straight [...] this command, the result is often tense neck and back muscles. Instead of focusing on correcting your

  • Source texts and Sanskrit


    Start your journey to the roots of Hatha Yoga dating back to the 14th Svatmarama brings light into the darkness [...] Start your journey to the roots of Hatha Yoga dating back to the 14th century with the original Sanskrit text

  • Yoga therapy for the shoulder

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    corresponding muscles which span across the entire back. The connection is predominantly muscular and these [...] helping you to prepare yourself for handstands or jump back/through in your vinyasa. You will also find exercises

  • Alignment Step 2

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    the second toe with heels on the same line. The back foot turns in slightly. Standing Poses in Neutral [...] toe with heels about two fists width distance. The back foot is clearly turned outward. There are also position