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  • Sun Salutations: Traditional Form

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    Ashtanga practice. Discover the effects of this physically challenging yet mentally calming practice. Why

  • Cervical Spine(CS)

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    cultivate balance on every level of your being - physically, psychologically as well as emotionally. From

  • Thoracic Spine (TS)

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    cultivate balance on every level of your being - physically, psychologically as well as emotionally. From

  • Nadine Binias - No Change?

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    the beginning of the 20th century, gymnastic and physical education systems were flourishing in Europe. [...] teachings of Krishnamacharya and this European physical education system. It was in the context of this

  • Interview with Joachim Pfahl

    Yoga Therapie

    their body or to want to feel connected with their physical body. It also means rediscovering the body as [...] Pfahl: There is a growing understanding that a physical approach should be integrated to compliment t

  • Yoga? - But I'm too old for that...

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    years old and age had brought about more than one physical restriction. By now, though, he enthusiastically [...] efficiently and to achieve a graspable mental or physical change, one thing is needed above all: regular

  • From stillness into movement

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    exercises Minute 4:08: Relaxation phase Minute 11:56: Physical exertion phase Minute 20:20: Exercises on all-fours

  • Take your Chance!

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    yoga. During this time I not only developed my physical practice, but also immersed myself in philosophy [...] the experience. For some the journey was more physical while for others more meditative. One was totally

  • Yoga for Seniors

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    with a practice tailored to individual needs and physical conditions, pain can be reduced, existing potentials

  • Yoga at the Workplace: Back and Wrists

    Ashtanga Yoga   ▸   Online Yoga classes

    daily schedule. Equally beneficial is a bit of physical exertion, which will help the body and mind to