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  • Improve your shoulder mobility

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    particular the shoulder blades. Give it a try and see for yourself! 19

  • Fascia Yoga for Healthy Shoulders

    Yoga Therapie

    particular the shoulder blades. Give it a try and see for yourself! 29 The joint with the greatest ROM [...] Deiner Faszien. The shoulder blade floats You can see the floating effect most clearly on the shoulder [...] can control the angle a little better. As you can see, there are a number of options. Try to find one where

  • Chaui-Berlinck_2017.pdf

    details and insightful discussions of this subject, see Brengelmann, 2003 and Levy and Pappano, 2007). The [...] Fitzsimons, 2002; Niederer et al., 2011). As we see from the above-mentioned literature, students and [...] compatible with the curves that describe the OP (see Fig. 1B–D as examples). In effect, during undergraduate

  • Faszien-Yoga für den Rumpf

    Online Yogastudio    ▸   Therapeutic tutorials

    particular the shoulder blades. Give it a try and see for yourself! 15 yoga therapy (de) Fascia Training

  • Why strength deserves more attention

    Yoga Therapie

    numerous yoga exercises to stretch this muscle (see, for instance, YOGA JOURNAL September/October 2013)

  • 31 August 16 AYI Interview with Martina Egger

    Community   ▸   Network

    hectic and stressful situations in daily life. I see my job as a guide for men, women and children alike [...] to intuitively share my knowledge when and how I see it to be useful. Let's use the example of an onion

  • Yoga Sutra 4.29-32: From Viveka to Samadhi and comprehensive calm

    Philosophy   ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit   ▸   Yoga-Sutra   ▸   Yoga Sutra 4: On Inner Freedom (Ronald, Laura)

    completely khyā verb to be known, make known, look, see api api particle even api particle even akusīdasya [...] reputation khyā verb to be know, to make known, behold, see dharma tatpuruṣa -compound dharma substantive masculine

  • 'Tension Helix' Breath - Stability for your body

    Yoga Therapie

    not written in an out-dated anatomy book, you will see that it is not very realistic. It would mean that [...] the opposing double helix As an overview, we can see four layers of superimposed, opposing double helices

  • Helical Fascia of the front body

    Yoga Therapie

    At first glance we see that the obliques are working hard. But looking close we see that these are part

  • Shvetashvatara Upnishad 3.7-9: Brahman übertrifft alles

    Philosophy    ▸   Source texts and Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad: Zwischen Sankhya und Vedanta    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upnishad Kapitel 3: Vom Wandel zum Absoluten um uns (Brahman) und in uns (Purusha) (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    all things to be this (Brahman), become immortal. See also Muir, Metrical Translations, p. 196, whose [...] these verses I have adopted with few exceptions. 3 : See Vâg. Samh. XVI, 3; Taitt. Samh. IV, 5, 1, 1; Nîlarudropan