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  • Fascia Yoga for the hips

    Yoga Therapie

    on a limited area will wear down the cartilage, leading to osteoarthritis. So that we can prevent our joints

  • Lumbar Spine (LS)

    My AYI    ▸   My E-Learning

    muscles. The muscle contraction of the diaphragm leads to an inhalation (Inspiration). In humans it is

  • Interview with Tanja Launicke

    Community   ▸   Network

    lifelong learning certainly plays a role for me, which leads me to try out all kinds of things on the mat / in [...] feel a tweak here or there. If I simply follow the lead of a teacher, I am moving robotically and have deemed

  • Atmung

    Workshops and Teacher Training   ▸   Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

    kleinen Imbiss mit. Samstag, 17. März 2007 09:00-11:30 Lead Primary Series Langsame und bedachte Praxis mit

  • A blessing for your knees

    Yoga Therapie

    lateral collateral ligament loosened in this way will lead to an unstable leg axis and increased strain on

  • Fascia Yoga: Helical tension for healthy hips, knees and ankles

    Yoga Therapie

    wear and the cartilage becomes damaged. This can lead to arthritis. Circulation in cartilage is very limited

  • Tattvas in Tantrism

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    meditative realization of each of these five Tattvas leads to complete liberation and spiritual awakening. [...] different and more positive meaning. Although Māyā leads us to perceive duality where there is actually unity

  • AYI Interview Peter Herdin

    Community   ▸   Network

    Volkshochschule. Yoga class with Peter: Peter leading his students through their individual practice

  • The right twist for a healthy back

    Yoga Therapie

    of the spine. It is only the resulting pain that leads to an activation of the deep back muscles. A malfunction

  • From Old-School Dynamic Stretches to Modern Fascia Yoga

    Yoga Therapie

    e! Extreme stretching before sports, it seems, leads to an increase in the frequency of injuries according