Yoga Therapie
on a limited area will wear down the cartilage, leading to osteoarthritis. So that we can prevent our joints
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muscles. The muscle contraction of the diaphragm leads to an inhalation (Inspiration). In humans it is
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lifelong learning certainly plays a role for me, which leads me to try out all kinds of things on the mat / in [...] feel a tweak here or there. If I simply follow the lead of a teacher, I am moving robotically and have deemed
Yoga Therapie
lateral collateral ligament loosened in this way will lead to an unstable leg axis and increased strain on
Yoga Therapie
wear and the cartilage becomes damaged. This can lead to arthritis. Circulation in cartilage is very limited
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meditative realization of each of these five Tattvas leads to complete liberation and spiritual awakening. [...] different and more positive meaning. Although Māyā leads us to perceive duality where there is actually unity
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Volkshochschule. Yoga class with Peter: Peter leading his students through their individual practice
Yoga Therapie
of the spine. It is only the resulting pain that leads to an activation of the deep back muscles. A malfunction
Yoga Therapie
e! Extreme stretching before sports, it seems, leads to an increase in the frequency of injuries according