Philosophy ▸ Philosophy and Tradition
Iyer is said to have sent him back with the following words: »Go back to Krishnamacharya, there is nothing [...] send his pupil Krishnamacharya away to bring yoga back to where it had originally come from – Southern [...] people and decided to come to earth to bring yoga back to them. Therefore, he manifested himself in a mother's
Yoga Therapie
Bein-Rotation in Rückenlage Lie comfortably on your back. Stretch your left leg from the hip joint outwards [...] until you feel fatigue in the deep muscles of the back of the hip joint. Then repeat the exercise on the [...] leg. Effect: The opposing helical fascia at the back of the hip joint completes the harmonious floating
My AYI ▸ My E-Learning
Lengthen the spine Chatvari (4): Exhale - Lower back to the floor, set feet down Pancha (5): Inhale -
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
helical fascia can relieve tension in the neck and back 21.11.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more Stand straight [...] this command, the result is often tense neck and back muscles. Instead of focusing on correcting your
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on, Ashtanga Yoga has been my constant companion. Back at home, I searched for a way to get deeper into [...] students in front of me. A little later, we moved back to Herdecke into my parents' former home. There [...] isntance also, Yoga Therapy, Hatha Yoga, Yoga for your Back and Yin Yoga. Our Yogashala studio – shala basically
Yoga Therapie
relaxation and they then revert back into fibroblasts. They then go back to building collagen and the ECM [...] environment becomes hostile again, they will switch back to pulling the fascia tight. This is when you now [...] Classically known in yoga as Savasana, you lie on your back with the feet about 20 cm apart and the hands with
Online Yogastudio ▸ Therapeutic tutorials
above the buttocks? Pain in the region of the lower back can be a sign that there is some blockage in the [...] with fascial massage techniques. Rubbing the lower back will help to generate heat in the region of the