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Searched for mental.
  • The Extracellular Matrix (ECM) - The ocean within!

    Yoga Therapie

    the fibroblasts do more than that. In the case of mental stress, inflammation and hyperacidity within the

  • AYI Interview with Eberhard Bärr

    Philosophy   ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    This combination of meaning and rejection can mentally uplift you or even sometimes provoke a sleepless

  • The essence of Ashtanga Yoga

    Philosophy    ▸   Philosophy and Tradition

    energetic (Pranayama), emotional (Pratyahara) and mental (Dharana) aspects of our being as a human. The

  • Fascia Yoga: Rebound and Creeping

    Yoga Therapie

    collagen fibers again. This is why we feel not only mentally balanced after a good relaxation, but also physically

  • Interview with Tanja Launicke

    Community   ▸   Network

    focused way. The result is physical wellbeing and mental calm. In other words, a perfect symbiosis! My yoga

  • AYI® Advanced

    Workshops and Teacher Training    ▸   AYI(R) Teacher Training   ▸   Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

    Konzepte angesprochen. Es wird über den Geist, mentale Aktivitäten, Konzentration, Bewusstseinszustände

  • Confidence

    Community   ▸   Network

    practicing yoga here, I had the same attitude and was mentally prepared to practice a form of yoga that is easy

  • Yoga and Karate

    Ashtanga Yoga    ▸   Inspiration for your practice

    Nevertheless, I felt absolutely refreshed, full of mental clarity and relaxed to a point that I seldom had

  • Integrale Philosophie: die Zukunft der Evolution

    Community    ▸   Network

    Bewusstseinsebenen) des menschlichen Geistes – des Mentals, wie er es nannte – beschrieben, seine Erkenntnisse [...] Baldwin, der zu Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts die mentale und emotionale Entwicklung von Kindern und Erwachsenen

  • Inspired Ausbildung

    My AYI

    die Praxis der Asanas und dadurch Neigungen und mentale Muster zu erkennen, insbesondere durch das regelmäßige [...] die Praxis der Asanas und dadurch Neigungen und mentale Muster zu erkennen, insbesondere durch das regelmäßige [...] und weist explizit darauf hin, dass damit nicht mentale Übungen im stillen Moment gemeint sind, sondern