Content covered during the immersion week
- Ashtanga Yoga Innovation (AYI®) - how we merge innovation with tradition in order to provide for a safe and holistic practice.
- Developing a personal yoga practice with the AYInnovation® method.
- Concepts of teaching according to the AYInnovation® method including vinyasa count, with both full-form and special modifications
- A fresh look at the philosophical foundations of yoga, as well as its traditional origins
AYInnovation® - Experience the practice, tradition and philosophy first-hand
The AYInnovation® method developed by Dr. Ronald Steiner merges the classical practice of yoga with the most up-to-date knowledge from the disciplines of science, medicine and kinesiology. The goal of doing this is to offer a highly personalized yoga practice which is tailored to the individual needs of the student - ranging from preventative to acrobatic. In order to meet the diverse needs of such a wide range of people, it is important to have a variety of options on-hand to offer which take factors into consideration such as age and physical build.
Anke Eulitz and Dr. Ronald Steiner are looking forward to sharing their know-how and years of experience with you.
Shortcut program completion
In order to successfully complete the shortcut program and receive the title of Inspired Yoga Teacher (AYI®), you must be present for at least 90% of the immersion week, complete and submit your e-learning assignments and attend and complete the assignments for any two MTC-modules of your choice.
These requirements must be fulfilled in order to participate in the Advanced teacher training (AYI®).
Daily Schedule
Lessons take place daily from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. Anke and Ronald will teach some topics individually, and some parts will be taught as a team.
The bridge program immersion week begins on the arrival day at 2:00 pm and ends on the departure day at 12:30 pm.
Two meals will be served daily at 11:00 am and 5:00 pm.
Changes to the schedule may apply. more»
Application and Registration
E-mail your application to Anke: anke.eulitz@ashtangayoga.info
In your application please include the following:
- Yoga CV/resumé
- Letter of Motivation describing your experience an background with yoga
- Certificate of Completion of a yoga teacher training program (min. 200h)
Please mention if your intent is to complete the Inspired Shortcut Program in order to participate in the upcoming Advanced Ausbildung beginning April 12, 2018.
Do you have additional questions? Anke is happy to answer your inquiry and is available per email or directly by phone at +49 (0)178-2724054.
Training courses and continuing education courses are exempt from VAT in accordance with article § 4 Nr. 21a) bb) UStG.
Teacher training detailed contents and terms and conditions can be found here:
Limited number of students per group - apply now!.
Additional costs:
- 2 Modular Therapy Course (MTC) topics
- Teacher training materials
- Overnight stay and meals at Seminarhaus Sampurna
Please book your room directly with Sampurna - reserve your room here.
MTC modules are an important component to your teacher training!
Here you can find upcoming MTC topics, dates and locations - ideal to support your studies: