The shoulder and shoulder girdle is a complex joint which offers us the widest range of movement of any joint in the entire human body. The position of the shoulders and shoulder blades influences our body as a whole. For this reason, it cannot really be isolated from the big picture. Unilateral stress, overload, muscular imbalances or less than ideal postural habits can lead to pain in the shoulder itself, but it often also shows up in seemingly unrelated places such as the back or neck. Here, we can use yoga effectively to balance the shoulders through targeted exercises. That being said, yoga places high demands on the shoulders as we continuously carry weight through our arms, and move them within the limited of our ROM. Having very clear and deep understanding of the anatomy of this region of the body can ensure that you stay safe while you practice, and that you can teach and support your students in a safe way.

Modular Therapy Course (MTC)

Preis & Anmeldung

Preis: 255€

yogalounge Pullach
Pullach/München / DE
089/79 35 59 78

Es gelten die AGB des örtlichen Veranstalters.

07:00-17:00 Theorie und Praxis
07:00-17:00 Theorie und Praxis


Der Tag beginnt mit angewandter Anatomie, Alignment-Prinzipien und therapeutischen Übungen. Diese werden vorgestellt und praktisch umgesetzt.
Der Abschluss des Tages steht ganz im Schwerpunkt der praktischen Umsetzung.
Im Tagesverlauf je zwei Pausen von jeweils ca. 1 bis 1,5 Stunden.

For whom is this Modular Therapy Course (MTC) of interest?

The Modular Therapy Course (MTC) is aimed at yoga teachers from any tradition, and practitioners who are interested in deepening their own knowledge. You will be equipped with anatomical and physiological background to support your practice. If you already have a personal practice from a different tradition, you can further inform your own practice with alignment principles, preventative and therapeutic exercises, and Bandhlign® techniques taught in these courses.

In the Modular Therapy Course (MTC) you learn therapeutic sequences and Bandhlign® techniques which support you in maintaining a stable and holistic practice. Everything you learn can be immediately put into action in your own practice. In the Modular Therapy Course (MTC) you will also learn about relevant anatomy and have a better understanding of how common injuries and illnesses affect the body in practice. Additionally, you will receive a handbook that you can refer back to later when you need to.

Aside from the contact hours of the Modular Therapy Course (MTC) you have two months time to complete an AYI® Learning assignment where you can reinforce the information you learned and reflect on the application of these concepts in your own practice and teaching. After final completion of this assignment you will receive a Certificate of Completion . This confirms your practical ability to use the concepts in the topic covered in your MTC. Completed MTC's with submitted AYI Learning assignments are counted towards your teacher training program AYInnovation® Yogalehrer Ausbildung or
continuing education AYInnovation® Weiterbildung.


Hatha Schulen


Kirchpl. 1, 82049 Pullach, Deutschland