Learn how to offer a safe, holistic and healthy practice to older beginners to yoga and how yoga can help to improve the quality of these 'golden years' of life.

Modular Therapy Course (MTC)


08:00-18:30 Theory and Practice
07:30-17:30 Theory and Practice

Daily Plan

This MTC covers applied anatomy, alignment principles and therapeutic exercises.  Each is presented and implemented in practice so that you can gain a more meaningful understanding of the concepts. 

A 60-90 minute break is provided each day. 

Register here:

AYI Mitglieder nur 265 €

» Dein Gutscheincode: af78fas-6 «

Training courses and continuing education courses are exempt from VAT in accordance with article § 4 Nr. 21a) bb) UStG.

Interested in more?

Upcoming topics at the same location are listed here. These are great additions to add to your practice/teaching  toolkit. 



Lebenstraum (ehemals ENUKI)

Büchnerstraße 1, 38118 Braunschweig, Deutschland