- Draw two clockwise loops, one below the other, towards the centre bottom.
- Draw a vertical line from top to bottom next to them on the right.
- Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.
- hard śa as in Schale, Schach, Schatten
- palatal place of articulation
- Draw an u-shaped line from the top left to the top right, directly followed by a vertical line down.
- Within the u, draw another line from the top left to the bottom right.
- Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.
- soft ṣa as in the English wish
- retroflex (behind the front teeth) place of articulation
- Draw a doubly curved line from the top to the bottom centre.
- Start at the right side of the curved line and draw a bow, first to the top right and then vertically down from top to bottom.
- Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.
- unvoiced sa as in muss, or the the Englisch summer, sunday
- dental (between the teeth) place of articulation
- Draw a short vertical line down, a horizontal line to the left and a bow to the bottom.
- Start at the centre and draw an anticlockwise circle through the endpoint of the first line towards the bottom right.
- Draw the horizontal line from left to right over the letter.
- unvoiced glottal aspirate ha as in Harmonie
- guttural (at the throat) place of articulation