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Funktions Seiten
  • Short vowels

    Philosophy   ▸   Sanskrit and Devanagari   ▸   Devanagari

    अ / a a Spelling Start on the top left with two downward sweeping bows. Start again at the midst of the upper bow and move almost horizontally to the right. In order to avoid having to stop, draw a bo

  • AdvancedASeries.pdf

    Añöanga Yoga - Advanced Series A (3rd Series) © Vasiñöhäsana Viçvamiträsana Viçvamiträsana Kasyapäsana Cakoräsana Bhairaväsana visóasn ivZvimÇasn ivZvimÇasn kSypasn ckaerasn ÉEErvasn

  • FundamentalPositions-Iyengar-EN.pdf

    Vinyasa Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Yogavishadra B.N.S Iyengar (March 2006) © Opening Prayer (before Asana practice) (from the Kourma Purana) ~ jivamanani bhrajth phana sahasra vidrut

  • PrimarySeries-EN.pdf

    VINyāSA V Ujjāyī VINyāSA 8(15) 8(15) 8(15) 8(15) 8(15) out 5x out 5x Ardha Baddha Padma Paścimottānāsana Triyang Mukha Eka Pāda Paścimottānāsana out 5x out 5x out 5x out 5x out 5x jānu Śīrṣāsana A B C

  • schriftzeichen-01.png

  • Finishing-EN.pdf

    Vinyāsa & Cakrāsana 1 1 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 5 6 V C in ex in exin in in in in in ex in ex ex ex ex exUjjĀYī VINYĀSA UjjĀYī VINYĀSA nose nose nose 3. eye nable nose nose nose nose 3. eye nable noseDṚṢṬI DṚṢṬ

  • SuryaNamaskar-EN.pdf

    Sūrya Namaskāra A Repeat 5x 6 7 8 9 in inex ex S ex 5x 21 3 4 5 in exex in inex S DṚṢṬI UjjĀYī VINYĀSA nose nose nose 3. eye 3. eye 3. eye nable thumb thumb nose nose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 ex ex exin ini

  • PrimarySeries-Iyengar-EN.pdf

    Vinyasa Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Yogavishadra B.N.S Iyengar (March 2006) © ~ Do as much as you can. ~~ Do as much as you can. ~~ Do as much as you can. ~~ Do as much as you can. ~

  • IntermediateSeries-Iyengar-EN.pdf

    Vinyasa Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Yogavishadra B.N.S Iyengar (March 2006) © ~ Malasana is the garland we are offering to the God. ~ ~ Malasana is the garland we are offering to the

  • schriftzeichen-05.png