Birgits große Leidenschaft: Yoga und Ayurveda In diesem Kurs erfährst Du, wie Du Deine Yogapraxis aus ayurvedischen Gesichtspunkten betrachten und anpassen kannst. Erlebe die Wirkung von Pranayama, Kr
Yoga Therapie
A simple calculation? At first glance, it may seem easy to calculate the pressure on our intervertebral discs. When standing upright, the weight adds up from the top to the bottom. Applying this simpl
Yoga Therapie
Like a vast network The fibers of our fascial system permeates the entire body. They give cells their stability, connect them with one another and transmit mechanical stimuli. The network is woven so
Yoga Therapie
Chest out! Suck your belly in! Stand straight! It somehow sounds logical, right? We tend to sink and droop forward after a period of time in one position. You sit for hours at a desk and your back wil
Yoga Therapie
Shop Der Yoga Doc – Beweglich und schmerzfrei mit Faszien-Yoga Dr. Ronald Steiner Erfahre den ganzheitlichen Blickwinkel auf das Thema YogaTherapie und lerne mehr über die Kraft Deiner Faszien. The Do
Yoga Therapie
Yoga Aktuell | 8/2011: Yoga & Sports As a sports physician and yoga teacher, you certainly have a lot to say on the topic of 'yoga and sports'. Let's start with sports injuries, which are the reason f
Yoga Therapie
Übung 1: Sprung- und Handgelenke innovative class (de) Schwebespannung für den Beginn einer Yogapraxis 13.7.2021 Dr. Ronald Steiner Dein perfekter Beginn einer Yogapraxis. Mit dieser Übungssequenz kul
Yoga Therapie
yoga therapy (de) Yoga therapy for the shoulder 4.4.2020 Dr. Ronald Steiner & more In this video Ronald shows you exercises to strengthen and stabilize your shoulders, in particular the shoulder blade
Yoga Therapie
Effective movement instead of muscle bulk In order to grow muscle bulk you need to work on coordinated, powerful movements that recruit the larger muscles groups. If the appearance of muscle mass is t